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Have you ever wanted to be an angel? That's what they call Broadway investors. If you like my videos you might want to become one (on a much smaller scale). Click the red button (below) to become a regular patron, or the blue button to make a one time contribution that will help keep the funny coming. For a few dollars a month regular contributors get exclusive access to posts, behind the scenes updates, what is coming next, and special previews. If you do decide to be a FunnyHarp Patron I really appreciate your kindness.

A very big THANK YOU to FunnyHarp angels who have donated:

Susan Graham
Scott Wayne
Helen Dallat
Leah Pidoptera
Bette Vidrine
Sharon Thormahlen
Christina Tourin

Joyce Newport
Anna and Graham Downe
Kelly Talmage
Anna Dowling
Alriana Ademar
Karen Peterson

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I hope you are enjoying my videos.  At this point I don't make any money from them.  The revenue from the ones with ads on them goes either to the copyright owners (in the case of covers) or to YouTube.  My budget for each video is quite low, but the costs do add up.  Your support is very much appreciated!

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